typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii Info... Variables ... Start Randomize ff@@#::s Hodge Podge Krinkle Dipoles MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews PopUpList Button [26@] B =Ill's Affect: TextField TextFieldCell 0.116 Slider SliderCell dddf@d@ N =Number of States F = Deterioration Force 0.210 Explain Rules A =Infected's Affect: 0.057 When Healthy: When Infected: Display Color Phase Max Frames/Sec Sizes: Display: popUp: NXImage NXpopup [9@]5 Version 3 by Allen King 30 Giibson St.? Needham, Mass.? ,Algorithm from Scientific American, May 1985? 02192? aking.bbn.com? HodgePodge WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel6 Variables [10@] 41. Each cell has a Health h, an integer from 0 to N. Times-Roman 9average of its 8 neighbors plus a Deterioration Force F, f >3. If the cell is infected (0 < h < N), its new health is the f expressed as a fraction of N.f %A * the number of infected neighborsf 74. If the cell is sick (h = N), it miraculously becomesf healthy (h = 0)f 2(From an article in Scientific American, May 1985)f B * the number of sick neighborsf A2. If the cell is healthy (h = 0), its new health is the sum of:f Hodge Podge Rules CustomView Window Driving Force = F1 Field31 Field5 Slider22 Slider21 Field11 Box12 MainMenu Field3 Slider23 Number of States = N1 Field12 Number of States = N2 File's Owner Field2 Number of States = N3 VersionNumber Field1 Rules Slider3 MyWindow Slider11 Field6 Field21 Field41 Field Slider41 Box111 IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: orderFront: start: stop: Randomize: takeIntValueFrom: takeFloatValueFrom: IBOutletConnector DrivingForce HealthysAffectOnSick RecoveringsAffectOnSick NumStates DisplayColorPhase MaxFramesPsecond DisplayColorDir